How was the shooting today?
I got a lot of tense... and so embarrassed...
How do you feel after you shaved pubic area?
How can I say...
Hum... I feel very cool around that part...
or... got antsy...
How old were you when your pubic hair started growing?
Hum... well.... LOL.
I was... 15?
What did you think?
Well... I thought... they are growing!
Have you shaved them?
I didn't know how... so I couldn't...
Which pose made you most embarrassed?
Hum... "female leopard" pose.
That one?
What about back side?
LOL! Yes, both...
Don't feel more embarrassed you show your butt side?
LOL! Both!
Which one is more embarrassing to show? Anus? or Pubic?
Hum.... anus?
Can you show it again?
Are you embarrassing now?
Yes, very much...
Do you know what does it called?
LOL... I can't say that...
But you know what it called?
Please say it!
LOL! That's cooch.
Do you know clitoris, too?
When did you know about it?
Hum... well... I was... in a junior high...
My guy classmate told me about that.
Do you touch there often?
Hum... well... no...
Can you touch there?
Hum... so embarrassing...
Just a little bit!
How do you feel?
Hum... well... ah... I don't know...
Do you touch there often, don't you?
What about clitoris? Do you feel good?
What? Yes?
How often do you touch there a week?
Hum... maybe... twice?
Do you wet a lot?
LOL, yes.
How do you usually touch there?
Usually? Same as today.
What do you think when you touch there...
LOL... well...
I'm not sure...
well... depends...
gets the noids...
well... that's secret,
Something naughty?
Did you feel good?