How was the shooting today?
Umm... I enjoyed...
How do you enjoy the shooting?
I don't usually get my pictures taken...
It was fun.
What is your favorite food?
My favorite...
Favorite food...
Ummm.... I like Ume pickle.
That's so traditional!
I like sour.
What is your hobby?
My hobby is...
playing a piano.
How long have you learned?
I played a piano since I was 3 years old.
I want you to play... but we don't have a piano here...
What do you do at home?
At home...
At home... I am with my cat...
All the time.
What kind of cat do you keep?
A saucy cat.
If you could be born again, what would you like to be?
I would like to be... a toypoodle.
You don't want to be a cat?
What does make your heart twinge?
I don't know...
When I run into someone I like...
What type of the guy do you like?
I like the guy...
who is gentle and muscular.
What kind of food do you want him to cook?
For me...?
Well... OKONOMIYAKI (Japanese pancake).
What do you want to cook for him?
For him...
Let's see...
Wow! That's great!
Oh... I make a lot recently...
Do you make them by yourself?
What is your measurments?
Let's see... I'm 156cm...
B is... ~giggling~ D cup? maybe? ~giggling~
and W is... ~laughing~
I don't know...
70 cm... maybe more?
then H is... ~giggling~
Well... can you guess?
Oh... I'm falling~... no~
What is your favorite part of your body?
My favorite part...
Umm... a thumb!
Can you me a thumb?
Oh well... they usually look better...
How old were you when your pubic hair started growing?
Oh well...
I don't remember...
I was in a 6th... or 7th grade? maybe?
How did that make you feel?
Oh no~ I don't remamber...
...very well...
Do you remember how it grown?
I feel... something creeping up....?
How did it feel after you shaved pubic hair?
I feel weird...
Is there anything you would like to say to the MEMBER?
For member...
Oh... well... ~giggling~
Thank you so much for watching...
See you~